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What an exciting opportunity to include in our LAS Exhibition Calendar. We encourage everyone to get their best works ready to be a part of this prestigious event. All the details are as follows:


Important Dates

Close of Entries Friday 8th September

Delivery of works Tuesday 19th September

Opening event Friday 22nd September


Exhibition Dates: Friday 22nd September - Monday 20th November



The theme for this exhibition will be “Metamorphosis”. This references both our ongoing emergence from Covid, (this is the first exhibition to be held at LGH since the lockdowns) and the spring timeframe for the exhibition, and indeed whatever subject you can think that relates to metamorphosis.


Conditions of Entry

1. Work will only be accepted from artists who were financial full or student

members prior to the exhibition.

2. Entry forms must be completed and returned by the advertised closing date together with the entry fee of $5.00.

3. A short artist’s statement is to be provided with the entry form.

4. Size of paintings must be no smaller than a size A4, i.e. 29.7 x 21cm

5. 2d and 3d works are welcome. Please provide size detail on your entry form, and attach an identification label to your work. (see item No. 8). 2D and 3D entries must be suitable to hang on a wall.

6. All work must be no more than two years old, the original work of the exhibitor and not previously exhibited in an LAS exhibition. Paintings from workshops or tutored sessions or wet work will not be accepted.

7. All work to be exhibited must be delivered to the exhibition venue on the

advertised delivery date and at the correct time. Late entries will not be accepted.

8. A label with the artist’s name, contact details, medium and price of work is to be securely fixed to the BACK LOWER RIGHTHAND SIDE (back view).

9. Selection of paintings for display may be by members of the committee, or by the LGH curator. Their decisions are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

10. No work, after it has been accepted and hung, shall be moved nor removed from the venue until the exhibition has closed unless agreed to with the Exhibition Co-Ordinator.

11. All artworks must have D rings for hanging, but no wire. Hanging will be by means of hooks attached through the D rings, which must be large enough to accommodate this.

12. If your work is framed, it must be to a professional standard. Unframed canvases are considered suitable as long as the edges are tidy. D rings are also required on canvases.

13. Each member may submit two works.

14. Artists agree that images of their work may be used for promotional purposes, eg Facebook, website, flyers etc.

15. All entries must be for sale and a 33.3% commission will apply. LGH stipulates that, for a period of four weeks after the end of the exhibition, if the artist sells any work (this can include commissions) as a result of their exposure in this exhibition, it should be subject to the LGH commission of 33.3%."

16. No work, after it has been accepted and hung, shall be moved nor removed from the venue until the exhibition has closed unless agreed to with the Exhibition Co-Ordinator.

17. Paintings, both sold and unsold, need to be collected at the advertised collection time.All care will be taken with work, but LAS will not be held responsible for any damage, loss or theft of any work in the exhibition. Artists are advised to insure their own work.

18. Artists who have a registered ABN are responsible for their own GST.


For further information contact Joanna Castle 0408624681 or email

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